9. . Shelton, CT 06484 Tel: 203. Share on Facebook; Share. Stay Informed. Connecticut 2-1-1. Register today to be notified of emergency situations and critical community alerts from the City of Shelton. 2. For more information on curbside residential or business collection in Mason County and the City of Shelton please visit Mason County Garbage Company or call them at (360) 426-8729 or toll free 877-722-0223 1. YEARS WITH (860) 373-9417. 9. The Shelton transfer station, compost site and city yard will be closed on Monday, Nov. City Residents Only. DATE: Saturday, September 30, 2023. 12. $10 fee for UNSECURED LOADS arriving at Kitsap County garbage facilities, strictly enforced starting August 1, 2023. to 1 p. Information like Address, Phone, and Email Address; Main Navigation. Paul J. The SHELTON TRANSFER STATION will be OPEN Regular Hours on Good Friday, APRIL 19, 2019 and OPEN on Saturday APRIL 20, 2019. is located at 866 River Rd, Shelton, CT 06484 Q What days are Transfer Station. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. City/Town Clerk Justices of the Peace Community Development. Ansonia City Transfer Station. Stamford. Call (360)674-7065 for news on hour changes. Latest Headlines Tweets by SheltonHerald. 10, in observance of Veteran’s Day. . Paul J. Hours: Monday – Saturday 7:00 am – 1:30 pm. LaurettiMayorWelcome to the City of Shelton web site. May 23, 2023 / Government. If the search by owner is available, you may want to enter only the last name such as Smith instead of the whole name due to how properties are registered in the Assessor's Office. Transfer Station - Residents UseCity of Shelton CT. Closed: Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day,. Fingerprint cards are $5. When a closure happens suddenly, staff or signage will inform customers upon arrival. [3] The city is part of the Naugatuck Valley Planning Region . Info & Resources. m. The following is a list of the Municipal Transfer Stations (MTS) that are registered with the DEEP which may accept and consolidate many types of waste, including, but not limited to municipal solid waste (MSW), oversized MSW, land-clearing debris, construction & demolition (C&D), scrap tires, scrap metal, used oil, and recyclable materials. Transfer Station - Residents UseCurrently Reading. and the Belfair Transfer Station is located at 2001 NE Sandhill Rd. 7:30pm. 110) Hours of Operation: Monday – Saturday 7:00 AM – 1:30 PM. Communities. The SHELTON TRANSFER STATION will be OPEN Regular Hours on Good Friday, APRIL 19, 2019 and OPEN on Saturday APRIL 20, 2019. CALL US: Phone. Location:City Hall54 Hill Street – Third FloorShelton, CT 06484Telephone:(203) 924-1555 ext. 5. Memorial Day - Monday May 29, 2023. Information like Address, Phone, and Email Address; Main Navigation. For More Information Contact:. City of Shelton Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day. Starting Monday, Derby residents can take their rubbish to Shelton. 10, in observance of Veteran’s Day. Skip To Content. Town Meetings. Website More Info. Information like Address, Phone, and Email Address; Main Navigation. 0405. Copy of your NRA safety class. Looking for more locations in Shelton, CT? Scroll down to see a listing of waste locations and handlers towards the bottom of this page. 9046) on 866 River Street in Shelton (hours Monday through Saturday from 7:00 – 1:30), valid CT Drivers License or tax bill required. Info & Resources. Paul J. press release september 21, 2004 mason county commissioners 411 north 5th st shelton, wa 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. Transfer Station - Residents UsePaul J. Independence Day. Skip To Content. View Information On. Looking For Something? Files & Documents. Reduces. 00 / ton Municipal Solid Waste $76. TBD. Shelton Transfer Station Garbage Collection Be the first to review! OPEN NOW Today: Open 24 Hours 16 YEARS IN BUSINESS (203) 926-9046 Visit Website Map & Directions 866 River RdShelton, CT 06484 Write a Review Is this your business? Customize this page. , Shelton Telephone: 203-924-7614Fax: 203-924-1072Hours: M-F,. The Shelton transfer station located on Eels Hill Road will be open from 10 AM to 2 PM. Transfer Station - Residents UseCity of Shelton CT. DiMauro, Director of Public Works, announced Oct. 828-649-2311. Clean Sweep : Group events are open to the public in late April. . 866 River Rd. Sunday: 10:00 a. Fax: 203. Information like Address, Phone, and Email Address; Main Navigation. CITY YARD – TRANSFER STATION. Oversized & Items Not Collected Curbside Items accepted at the Shelton Transfer Station 866 River RoadShelton, Connecticut 06484Hours of operation Monday – Saturday 7:00 am –1:30 pm Call H & B 203-924-9277 with Questions Metal Appliances (Remove doors. For any other type of waste that you are not SURE ABOUT, you can reach them out at (203) 924-1555. If you need more information on which Mason County residential trash container is required for safe collection at your home, call 877-722-0223. DERBY, CT — Derby City Hall will close early this week in light of the New Year's Eve/Day holiday weekend. City of Shelton Transfer Station866 River Road (Rt. 926. Phone: (203) 926-9046 Address: 866 River Rd, Shelton, CT 06484 Website: People Also Viewed. Information like Address, Phone, and Email Address; Main Navigation. Please call first on weekends to schedule an appointment due to limited staff. Previous Next. The Shelton transfer station, compost site and city yard will be closed on Monday, Nov. 7:00pm. Skip To Content. Information like Address, Phone, and Email Address; Main Navigation. Junteenth - Monday June 19, 2023. 11 in observance of VETERANS DAY. 9:00 am - 12:00 noon . 06484. Shelton Transfer Station. Director of Public Works Paul J. 9 in observance of Columbus Day. The SHELTON TRANSFER STATION, CITY YARD and the COMPOST SITE will ALL BE CLOSED on Friday, November 10, 2017 in observance of VETERAN’S DAY. City & State, or Zip Code. Register today to be notified of emergency situations and critical community alerts from the City of Shelton. Transfer Station - Residents Use. . Tree Warden. 00 / ton Yard Waste / Brush / Leaves $60. Bid 42 46 Rear Sweeper Broom. They… MASON COUNTY RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE. 385. on both December 24 and 31. Please call to make an appointment before bringing your materials out to the facilities: Shelton Facility 427-5271; Belfair Facility 275-6462. Transfer Station - Residents Use. m. Fire Chief – Francis T. Trails: Work parties are held the 2 nd and 4 th Saturday of the month, year-round. 2. GOOD FRIDAY CITY YARD – TRANSFER STATION TRASH AND RECYCLING COLLECTION The SHELTON CITY YARD will be CLOSED on Friday- APRIL 19, 2019. City Resident Tools. m. Looking For Something? Files & Documents. Most Popular. Register. Annual Reports and Budgets. The transfer station and compost site will reopen on Saturday, Nov. Acceptable Waste Oversized & Items Not Collected Curbside Items accepted at the Shelton Transfer Station 866 River RoadShelton, Connecticut 06484Hours of operation Monday – Saturday 7:00 am –1:30 pm Call H & B 203-924-9277 with Questions Metal Appliances (Remove doors. can be contacted via phone at for pricing, hours and directions. 504. TheSHELTON TRANSFER STATIONwill be OPENRegular Hours on Good Friday, APRIL 15, 2022 and OPENon Saturday APRIL 16, 2022. City/Town Clerk Justices of the Peace Community Development. Transfer Station. Register. Transfer Station Resident Use | City of Shelton Transfer Station Resident Use Details. City of Shelton CT. The City of Shelton is in Connecticut with Bristol to the north, Milford to the south, Bridgeport and Norwalk to the southwest, New Haven to the east. 743. DiMauro, Director of Public Works announced today that the city yard will be. View Information On. If you don't select an item then it defaults to all. 11 in observance of Veterans Day. Funding for programs offered comes from the City of Shelton, State Department of Education, Valley Community Foundation, Valley United Way and various private donors. City/Town Clerk Justices of the Peace Community Development. Stay Informed. City of Shelton Transfer Station. Located on the Housatonic River and Naugatuck Valley, the City of Shelton is recognized as a premier residential and business. Plant City, FL 33567. WELCOME TO THE SHELTON SENIOR CENTER81 Wheeler StreetShelton, Connecticut 06484Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm ABOUT Established in 1991, the Shelton Senior Center (SSC) provides programs and services geared toward older adults in the community. City of Shelton CT. The County operates 4 sites for refuse disposal and recycling drop off. City/Town Clerk Justices of the Peace Community Development. Attention Shelton Property Owners!Click here for the Mason County Garbage and Recycling FAQ. You will be provided with a garbage and recycle cart. 14 in. It will reopen on Tuesday, Oct. Bridgeport Transfer Station is located at 475 Asylum Street, Bridgeport, CT 06610. Shelton Services. Our Commission meetings are live streamed at Mason Web TV and we will accept public comment via email – [email protected]. City/Town Clerk Justices of the Peace Community Development. The City of Shelton is in Connecticut with Bristol to the north, Milford to the south, Bridgeport and Norwalk to the southwest, New Haven to the east. Shelton, WA 98584. Closed Tuesday -Thursday. The SHELTON CITY YARD will be CLOSED on Friday- APRIL 19, 2019. Transfer Station - Residents UseCity of Shelton CT. Questions regarding transfer station hours of operation can be directed to the Shelton Solid WasteCity of Shelton CT. 54 Hill Street Shelton, CT 06484 Phone: (203) 924-1555. NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Recycling Ordinance The County enacted an ordinance in December of last year. Transfer Station - Residents UseCity of Shelton CT. The Purchasing Agent reports directly to the Director of Finance. Commissioners Agendas and Minutes. m. Directions; Share this entry. Connecticut 2-1-1. m….